Blue Sky Fibers worsted weight wool yarn Woolstok.
Made from the fleece of selected Peruvian Highland sheep and processed in a state of the art mill, Woolstok is strong and sturdy and gently plied, giving a lofty lightness and a soft hand to your knitting. A wonderfully expansive palette of twenty-one colors inspired by the craggy, unspoiled terrain of Peru; an ideal yarn for warmth yet lightweight garments and cozy accessories.
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Made from the fleece of selected Peruvian Highland sheep and processed in a state of the art mill, Woolstok is strong and sturdy and gently plied, giving a lofty lightness and a soft hand to your knitting. A wonderfully expansive palette of twenty-one colors inspired by the craggy, unspoiled terrain of Peru; an ideal yarn for warmth yet lightweight garments and cozy accessories.
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